Acoustical Treatment Design Installation|Sound Concepts LLC
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Why Acoustical Treatment In Performance Spaces.

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Most rooms natively without acoustical damping materials applied are unsuitable for extended listening to spoken word and can be unsuitable for a pleasing music experience. Too much damping can also create an unpleasant listening atmosphere. For rooms where spoken word or a quality music experience is desired, a study must be done to provide specifications for accurate material types and the appropriate density level of damping materials required to create the appropriate listening environment.

There are many different types of damping materials manufacturerd today specifically for this purpose. And there are normally occuring building materials provide sound absorbing or difusing qualities. Materials such as carpet, some wallpapers and ceiling tile to name a few. There are other decorating materials that also provide desireable absorbing effects such as area rugs whether on the floor or hangin on the wall. Or fabic banners or similar fabric artwork strategically located can assist in creating a suitable listening environment. It also needs to be mentioned that disusion also can play a positive role on controling the behavior of sound in any space. Non-parallel walls are another way to prevent unwanted reflections in a space as do other types of difusing constructions.

We use EASE modeling software and other sources to study the acoustic characteristics of the space needing treatment. The proper target Reverberation Time (RT60) is determined and the actual RT60 in the space is gathered from the EASE software. Using industry standard calculations the amount and type of treatment materials is specified.

Below is a picture of a standard acoustical wall panel which is the most common surface treatment option.

Acoustical Wall Panel 

Following are pictures and descriptions of some of the acoustical panels Sound Concepts has designed and installed.

Acoustical treatment installation for the City of Blue Ash Commission Meeting Room and Courtroom.

Project details available here.

 Domed Ceiling  Vertical Surfaces  Front


Acoustical design and installation for Fairfield Church of Christ. This is a larger space with no original architectural design intended to reduce unwanted reverberation.

Details available here.

 FCC Lft Side  FCC Rear  FCC Rt Side


Acoustical Design and Installation for Community of the Transfiguration Oratory Worship and Study Center.

Details available here.

 Domed Ceiling  Vertical Surfaces  Front


Auralex Logo        ATS Acoustics

For information about why acoustical treatment might be required in a performance space, click here:

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