A Google email has been set up to send and recieve documentation for the A/V systems. Following is the documentation to access the account
Password: Sound@Video
Name: Greg Fischer
Recovery email: gfischer@chpc.org
DOB: 10-12-2000
FH Operating Manual 9-28-22: CHPC-FH-Manual-50977-9-28-22.pdf
Sanctuary Sequential Switching instructions: Sanct Sequential Switching Instruction Manual.pdf
Drawing: Current Revision of All Systems: 50775-R11-CHPC Sanct 2-17-25.pdf
Sanctuary Power Dwg. (Also included in 50775-revisions R8 & after): 50775-Power-CHPC Sanct 2-6-17-23.pdf
Sanctuary dbx4800 Audio Architect file
Fellowship Hall Audio Architect File: CHPC-FH-R5.zip
Facebook Stream Info
rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp/Fellowship Hall System:
Fellowship Hall System Manual 50868 Manual.pdf
Fellowship Hall Crown XLi-Datasheet XLi_Data_Sheet_lowres_121914_original.pdf
Fellowship Hall BSS Blu-50 Datasheet BLU-50_Data_Sheet_V2_original (6).pdf
Fellowship Hall Furman CN-15MP Instructions pdf_CN-15-20MP_manual (1).pdf
Fellowship Hall Furman PS-8R Manual ps-8r_manual.pdf
Fellowship Hall Renkus-Heinz DC12/2 Datasheet dc12-2-data-r1-2.pdf
Fellowship Hall EASE Presentation: 50868 EasePresentation.pdf